Since the beginning of the week, our boats have been tied up in the harbour, unable to head out onto Skjálfandi Bay in search for whales. Stormy weather conditions and a thus wavy sea stop us from heading out to admire the gentle giants of the ocean.
While of course we'd prefer having flat seas all day every day and being able to sail out onto the bay, stormy weather can actually be beneficial for the oceans:
The force of the wind churns up the water, mixing surface water with nutrient rich water from further down.
This phenomenon is called upwelling as the wind pushes away the water on the surface, which then is replaced by cooler water from below. The surface water eventually sinks down.
Waves, which form as a result of strong winds, distribute nutrients and oxygen throughout the ocean, creating livable environments for a variety of marine life.
Nutrient rich waters are essential for the food abundance in an area to stay stable and hence vital to the existance of the whales' feeding grounds here in Skjálfandi Bay as well as the reason for their annual return to the waters out of Húsavík.
- Sarah