Since the beginning of May the bay has been getting livelier by the day. Several humpback whales – the stars of the bay - have arrived, but also other species such as minkes and white-beaked dolphins were sighted. Then, even the most majestic of them all, the blue whale, made its appearance several times since late April.
Along with the whales, also the amount of birds seen on the water has been increasing steadily.
Among many other species, one of the most nomadic birds, the arctic tern, has returned. Arctic terns are such sun-loving, that they literally live two summers every year, migrating once around the globe yearly - that is up to 90'000km annually. In fact, in their life span (25-30 years) they cover a distance of about 2.4 million km, which is equal to three round-trips to the moon.
Whilst migrating, artic terns aren't even bothered to take the most direct route, but adjust their travel plans according to weather and the best feeding grounds. As they spend the summer near the Arctic, but travel towards Antarctica during our winter, they see more daylight than any other animal on our planet.
Whilst underway, they glide much of the time. These small birds turn out to be such great gliders that they even sleep whilst gliding through the air. Since they're so lightweight, ocean breezes can carry them far distances. On the other hand, they're among only few bird species (despite hummingbirds) that are capable to hover.
Don’t forget to keep your eyes open for them while sailing on the bay scouting the waters for whales!