Jumping dolphin

The first week of September is flying by and while days pass, whale sightings continue to be incredible.

Several humpback whales have been around during the last week - in fact, up to five individuals were spotted on some of our tours! The animals were oftentimes travelling slowly through the bay and spent a lot of time relaxing and resting on the surface. Especially one individual put up quite a show for us when it continued breaching, rolling and flipper slapping for nearly an hour.

All these days the whales were found in more or less the same area of the bay - making us believe there's still plenty of food for them around!

The other day, out of nowhere, we were surprised by a group of fin whales. Normally solitary animals, three individuals joined each other that day as they ventured into Skjálfandi Bay. Steadily swimming south, passing by Húsavík along the eastcoast of the bay, nearly all the way to the black sand beach at the southern end, the individuals surfaced and dove side by side. Then, as sudden as they appeared, the whales turned around and left the bay again - heading back to the open sea. As unforeseen as they showed up and were spotted at first, our boats soon lost sight of the group as the animals continued their journey.

Besides the large whales, we have also seen huge numbers of dolphins jumping, playing and being curious around our boats. As a joy to everyone, many of the dolphins were showing up with their recently born calves, which made it even more exciting to observe them. 

Are you joining us this month?

- Sarah

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