Whale diving in sunset

In only a week this month is over and therewith, we stop running our evening tours.
Late afternoons and evenings out in the bay can be so charming and fulfilling. The sun is slowly setting at the horizon - turning the sky all yellow, the clouds red and pink. The majestic Cheek Mountains on the western side of the bay reflect these colours and shine in an almost mystical light as they're lit up by the last sunrays of the day. The spouts of the whales as they exhale air are bright and golden, well visible from afar and the white undersides of the flukes seem to glow as the animals leave for another dive somewhere nearby you.

Are you passing by these days?

Well, take the opportunity and join one of our last evening tours to not miss out on a very unique whale watching experience with us!

But wait - not making it to Húsavík on time?

Don't worry! The end of our evening departures doesn't mean there's no chance for pretty skies and sunset colours: Days are continously getting shorter now - indeed the sun sets four minutes earlier right now daily. Therefore, it won't be long until we'll enjoy the warm and golden lights on the coastline and in the sky already in the early afternoon - another perfect photo opportunity!

We look forward to seeing you in Húsavík and to welcoming you on-board very soon!

- Sarah

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