Lunge-feeding humpback whale

During the summer time in the bay, we are sometimes able to witness the impressive humpback whale feeding behaviour known as “lunge-feeding”. Lunge-feeding is a technique used by large baleen whales, such as the humpback whale, as an efficient way to eat a lot of prey at once. They are preying on krill and small schooling fish such as capelin, and they are eating approximately 1-1.5 tonnes of food per day!.

While doing this feeding behaviour, the whale will emerge from the depths at great speed, with the mouth wide open and throat grooves expanded, taking in a huge amount of water and food at one time. Those lucky enough to observe this up close can often get a look at the baleen plates and top palate of the gaping mouth, as well as the expanded throat grooves. Seeing this behaviour leaves everyone on board excited and awestruck every time!





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