The last couple of days there has been a parade of humpback whales here in Skjálfandi bay. Two days ago during our Big Whale Safari on Amma Sigga guide Kári had NINE humpbacks on one single tour. Yesterday it continued in the same way with at least two humpbacks on every trip and the blows of these amazing creatures could be spotted all over the bay.

The humpacks are some of the nicest whales to watch since they seem both curious and relaxed in our company and often surface close to the boats. Sometimes they are very active and the last few days we have been privileged enough to see them flipper slapping, rolling around at the surface and also jumping, or breaching, out of the water!

In addition to all this, the humpbacks frequently lift their flukes in the air when going for deep dives and this is of course also very nice to watch. We really have had some wonderful humpback watching here lately, encountering the gentle giants of the ocean.

(Guide Elin)

Humpback fluke seen from on board one of our boats.
Photo by our guide Peter.


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