Orcas, often called killer whales, are beautiful animals and probably one of the best-known whale species in the world. They are not so common in Skjálfandi Bay but sometimes make their way into the bay for a short time.

Tonight passengers and crew on board Amma Sigga on the Big Whale Safari tour got a once in a lifetime experience. A pod of five orcas were spotted on the west side of the bay, close to Fish Rock. Orcas are easily identified by their black and white colour and the tall dorsal fins, which can reach up to 1,8 metres by the males.

This was not all. Orcas have been known to attack seals and even other whales, and tonight passengers and crew even got to witness the real "killer whales", when the group attacked a harbour porpoise, just in front of them. Experiencing something like this is not daily bread - this is nature in Skjálfandi Bay at its wildest!



Photo taken on the Big Whale Safari tour by Adrian Beale.


Click on the photo to learn more about orcas.

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