Gentle Giants' biggest adventure is - and will hopefully always be - the original and regular whale watching (GG1). But we also try to widen up and see what more our surroundings have to offer. Therefore I would proudly like to introduce to you our new tour for 2012; Hiking the Mountains.

This is a two day hiking tour including a specialized guide, delicious fish soup, dinner, breakfast, accommodation in a cabin, two boat trips, BBQ in Flatey Island and whale watching on the way. And last but not least you get to experience spectacular and unspoiled remote Icelandic nature.


Day 1
- Starts early in the morning with crossing the bay by GG8 HIKINGboat. From then on we have to trust in our feet and walk across the beautiful and very lonesome Bay Mountains, over to the Flat Island Valley. After about 12 kilometres there is a river we must cross to reach the sleeping cabin. The Guide's Fish Soup will be served and the evening is dedicated to short walking trips and relaxation in the peaceful valley.

Day 2 - We leave the accommodation in the valley in the morning and head NNW towards the coast/beach. The path leads around 14 km along a beautiful river. There a boat picks us up and brings us to Flatey Island for a short visit and a BBQ. On our way back to Húsavík we pass great whale watching areas and might get the chance to spot some gentle giants as a perfect end of an unforgettable adventure.


° June 29th
° July 27th
° August 24th
° September 14th

Do you want to know more? Hiking the Mountains <-- Follow this link.
Or contact us for more information at [email protected] or call +354 4641500.

Here is a map showing the hiking route.
GG8 Hiking map


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