It was cold. We had been scanning the bay for 1,5 hour without success when I spotted a majestic blow in front of us. We litterally bumped into a blue whale...

This gentle giant was deep diving when we reached the area and I was looking all around in search for its next breath. Suddenly my eyes got fixed on what looked like a submarine slowly making its way up to the surface from the deep sea – not more than five metres away from us and it was massive(!), similar to the size of our boat.

I looked at it as it second by second got clearer and I held my breath after realising it was the blue whale which was SO CLOSE. I screamed and I jumped and there was no clock system needed for me to point the whale out to my passengers. Even the people standing on the roof of Sylvía got showered by the blue whale blow, as the geysir-like exhale had drifted in our direction from the whale.

This turned out to be an amazing tour and as I told my passengers; We got a lot of whale on this trip. Not in number of individuals but in body mass as this blue must have been heavy like five hundred dolphins together!


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