Seal in ramp

Two bearded seals have been visiting Húsavík harbour several times throughout this winter.

Just as whales, also seals are marine mammals, even though they’re semi-aquatic. More precisely, they´re pinnipeds (one of four taxonomic groups marine mammals are divided into).

Iceland is home to several seal species; however, the harbour and grey seal are the most common ones as well as the only ones to pup around the country.

The bearded seal (as the one on the photos), ringed seal and harp seal are visiting Icelandic waters on a regular basis, too.

Last, also walruses belong to the pinnipeds. It is believed that up to 1100AD, a certain subspecies of the walrus used to inhabit Iceland before going extinct. Nowadays walruses are a rather rare occurrence around the country as they live further up north.

Did you know?

On and off, but throughout the season, we can spot grey seals during our whale watching tours, especially while passing by the Cheek Mountains on the western side of the bay or when visiting Lundey (Puffin Island).

- Sarah

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